These are some famous singers that you hear on tv and youtube hope you enjoy these pictures of the famous singers that are awesome.
ONE DIRECTION is a boy band who performs all over the world expressly London there home town.
There names are HARRY, NIALL,LOUIS,ZAYN and LIAM.
Did you know that they are best boy band in the world I think they are because they have a big personality and they have cool songs.
Google up ONE DIRECTION to get more photos and information THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JAMES ARTHUR was on X Factor in 2011 he had won the entire thing . His song that he wrote got me hooked in with the music . His song is IMPOSSIBLE. I think he is the best man singer in the world he is AMAZING.
Google up JAMES ARTHUR to get some information and photos THANK YOU !!!!!!
DEMI LOVATO is a singer who performs all over the world and my favourite song is HEART ATTACK.
Google up DEMI LOVATO to get some information and photos THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!
WILLOW SMITH and JADEN SMITH are famous singers who perform all over the world even in movies like AFTER EARTH and KARATE KID.
Google up WILLOW SMITH and JADEN SMITH to get some information and photos THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!
ARIANA GRANDE is a singer who performs her songs
all over the world and on movies. I LOVE VICTORIOUS
because she is KAT in it.
Google up ARIANA GRANDE to get some information
and photos THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Sentence Mashup 2
WALT- we are learning to rearrange the order of sentences.
1.Male seahorses are the ones who get pregnant did you know that?
2.Did you know the royal male seahorses are the ones who get pregnant?
1. Walking around Kelly Tarltons we saw fish and seahorses in the Sea Life aquarium. 2. In the Sea Life Aquarium we saw fish and seahorses while walking around Kelly Tarltons.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Sentence Mashup
WALT- Re-arrange the words in a sentence.
Why does she not spend her holiday in France ? I’d like to know.
I'd like to know why she does not spend her holiday in France.
They wanted to play tennis, they told him.
They told him that they wanted to play tennis.
While she was working in the garden , he was reading the paper.
He was reading the paper while she was working in the garden.
She is in great form because she goes to the gym every week.
She goes to the gym every week, and she is in great form.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Enyahlee Antarctica from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This Term we have been learning about antarctica,my movie is about a penguin and a seal and also a killer whale hope you enjoyed my animation.
By Enyahlee Opal Willetts Krishan.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Enyahlee And Ava Temperature Movie
Enyahlee And Ava from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This week the kauri group had to make a project and put it on our blog here is mine.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
WALT-Write effective paragraphs.
Our Trip At Kelly Tarltons.
WALT- Write effective paragraphs.
Room 13,14,16,17,18, were going to explore and discover Kelly Tarltons, to learn some interesting facts about the the icy cold Antarctica. When I heared that we were going to Kelly Tarltons, to find some things about Antarctica.
Today we explored Kelly Tarltons to find some things about Antarctica. We met a lady called Janice, she told us about the living things in Antarctica like Orca Whales, Gentoo Penguins and skuas. There were two types of penguins, at Kelly Tarltons, there were Gentoo Penguins and a King Penguins.

Inside Kelly Tarltons there were things you might need to survive in Antarctica. There were food like milo, noodles , chips and drinks and there were dehydrated food too.
Room 16,17,18 loved exploring Kelly Tarltons thanks to all the parents, teachers and Kelly Tarlton staff. I loved looking at the penguins the seahorses and the stingray and eals.
Monday, 1 July 2013
Enyahlee Exploring Kelly Tarltons
Our Trip At Kelly Tarltons.
Today we explored Kelly Tarltons to find some things about Antarctica. We meeted a lady called Janice, she told us about the living things in Antarctica like Orca Whale, Gentoo Penguins and skuas. There were two types of penguins there was Gentoo Penguin and King Penguin.
Janice who works at Kelly Tarltons , got two people up at the front of everybody and she told the class what people need to wear in Antarctica. When you go to Antarctica you need ice boots, thick jacket, goggles, thick gloves and thermal underwear.

It was amazing exploring Kelly Tarltons thanks to all the parents, teachers and kelly Tarlton staff. I loved looking at the penguins the seahorses and the stingray and eals.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
A,E,K Coin Toss
This week we had to get into groups of three and we could rather choose Coin Toss or Paper Scissors Rock. As you can see this is a chart the Red side of the chart is Ariana's she only got 42.9% and the Blue side of the chart is Khaia's she got 57.1% which means Khaia was more certain to win at predicting a coin toss.
WALT- Adding to the End of Sentences.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Adding detail to the middle of sentences
WALT: Adding detail to the middle of sentences
Children had to stay inside, because it was raining at lunchtime, on Friday.
My hungry tummy was so sore, because I hadn't eaten my breakfast, and is rumbling.
Akiki which is a professional chef, works from 10:00-3:00 in a sushi bar.
Baleen whales have a habit of eating plankton, and krill.
Learning my time tables is hard, but really it is important.
Monday, 24 June 2013
Adding detail to the beginning of sentences
WALT:Adding detail to the beginning of sentences.
- We suddenly ran out of breakfast, which made me so worried, and my hungry tummy started to rumble.
- In the morning on Friday, the fields were muddy outside.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Red And Yellow Chart
Today we have been trying to find out how much Red counters there were and Yellow counters there were.We founded out that there were three Yellows and two Reds.
Antarctica Food Chain
Enyahlee, Ariana, Brooklyn And Anisha from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
We have been learning about a food chain , a food chain is a chain of animals that eat each other.
Here is a piture of a food chain hope you enjoy me and my friends movie.
Monday, 17 June 2013
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Aeroplane Diagram
I have been learning about Flying to Antarctica where only Hercules planes can go to Antarctica.
Sentences About Antarctica
W.A.L.T > Add detail to the end of sentences.
Antarctic seals have a thick layer of blubber under there skin, which keeps them warm when there under water.
During winter, the sun does not rise in Antarctica, for four whole months.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Detail Sentences
WALT > Add detail in the middle of the sentences.
Mr Burt takes assemblies on Friday.
Mr Burt, who is a kind and helpful principal and is always trying to crack jokes, takes assemblies on Friday.
Mr Burt takes assemblies, which are held in the school hall, on Fridays.
Lots of people come to visit our country to learn and discover new things, like technology archaeology, in Auckland New Zealand.
Monday, 10 June 2013
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Doing Tangrams
On Wednesday and Thursday Room 17 literacy group where doing Tangrams .If the seven pieces of the tangram puzzle is arranged , then the picture will look like the outline drawings. I made a bed out of tangrams , I used 5 triangles 1 Parallelogram and 1 square.
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Enyahlees weekend
Hello this weekend I stayed at my auntys house because it was my cousins birthday. I will continue the story later on this year . Bye see you later.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Enyahlee's Goal
When I write paragraphs I am learning to write some complex sentences which have more detail.
Leopard Seals haul their self up with there streamlined bodies, onto the pack ice . Leopard seals are predators.
Did you know a whale is a predator, because they try to make waves for the seals to fall of the pack ice ? Sometimes whales stay in a group called a pod.
Some animals are dangerous like skuas , they come and eat the baby chicks. Skuas are birds that live in Antarctica.
Weddell Seals a predators because they eat fish,cephalopods and crustaceans. Did you know that they are one type of specie that goes fast on land.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Enyahlee's Seal Paragraph
Enyahlee’s Seal paragraphs.
We are learning to summarise the main parts of a paragraph.
Seals are mammals that live in Oceans all over the world. All of the Seals at Antarctica are Non-eared Seals. These Seals have lot’s of blubber to keep them warm.
Seals have thick,short hair on their streamlined body, to keep them warm. They have flippers to help them be superb swimmers. Most of the time,Seals are in the sea.
Seals are so fast and graceful in the water but when they get out of the water they are slow and clumsy. Most of the time when they are finished in the water the try to haul their self onto the land. They give birth to there Pups on the Ice.
In Antarctica there are 30 million Crabeater Seals . Crabeater Seals are so common to Antarctic Minke whale.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Enyahlee Antarctic Penguins
Summarise the main points of a text , in my own words
Penguins are birds that live in the Southern Oceans but they do not live in the North of the world. Penguins are extraordinary birds, but did you know that there are no birds that live in the North of the world they only live down in the Southern Oceans.
When Penguins come ashore the take small waddling steps . Penguins can't fly but they can stand upright when they come ashore.
In the Antarctic the sun doesn’t rise for a long Antarctic winter .Icy gales pass thru and it starts to get freezing
Emperor penguins survive for a whole winter in Antarctica .There are only a few living things that live in Antarctica ,one thing is Emperor penguin but there are others too.
Penguins have a thick layer of fat to keep them warm it is called blubber .There skin helps them to keep them out of the cold.
Penguins have a fluffy layers that has soft feathers and it overlaps .They have a thick waterproof coat to keep there soft feathers dry.
The End
Friday, 10 May 2013
Will.I.Am Visits Our School
I was so amazed we Will.I.Am came throw the door.Every one was screaming because we didn't now who was coming. He told the school all about his life when he was little. He never meet his dad and he didn't have any money when he was young.
By Enyahlee
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
My Gragh
Today we learnt about the temperature of Antarctica, we found out that the deeper you go down the warmer it get's.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Enyahlee Omaru Creek Animation
Enyahlee Omaru Creek from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This year all the 3 classes Rm 16,17,18 have been working on an animation of Omaru creek. Hope you enjoy my movie.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Enyahlee Getting Ready For Fiafia
Every Thursdays and Friday we go to Fiafia practise because it’s the 60th anniversary for the the school. I’m in Bollywood salsa group and our tutors are Mrs Lal and Mrs Khan. I am looking forward to it.
I enjoy going to Fiafia practise because we dance with scarves and ankle bracelets. The song that we are dancing to is Jai ho and one of the moves to my groups dance is you put both of your hands together to make a pyramid. Our costume is jeans with a shiny colourful long top with some bangles and an necklace and the scarves are colourful and have dots on it.
My favourite part is when we do the aga aga part when we go right back and we pretend to sprinkle raindrops on our head. I feel nervous because Fiafia's coming soon and I am shaking. I hope my group does’t make a mistake for our dance.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Catching Eels
We have been reading an article about how to catch eels with a hinaki. This is a net made of wire netting that traps the eel inside. Here is a diagram to show you how it works.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Testing Omaru creek for -turbidity
Testing Omaru Creek for -Turbidity
We are going to find out the turbidity of Omaru creek water.
We are going to test this by getting 4 samples of water and we are going to see what font size it is.
Resources and equipment: 4 samples of water,string,bucket and 4 jars.
I predict that the culvert font size might be 14 and the font size for the tap might be 24 the sea might be 12 and the bridge might be 9.
I think this because the culvert looked murky and the bridgewater looked greenish and the tap looked seethru and the sea water looked salty .
Results of my tests
Sea Water
Tap water
Omaru Creek water by culvert
Omaru Creek water by bridge
My conclusion (what I found out): I found out that the seawater font size was 14,tap water 9,omaru creek culvert 14,omaru creek bridge 12. The bridge was the dirtiest water sample because the catfish might me digging up the mud under the water.
Why I think this because when we test it I thought that.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Testing the water samples
Testing Omaru Creek for - Smell
I am going to find out: The smell from omaru creek.
I am going to test this by:
4 samples.
1. the sea
2. the culvert
3. the tap
Resources and equipment:
4 glass jars
2 buckets
1 string
4 water samples
I predict that:
The water beside the culvert smells like a rotten egg that was suddenly tucked in the bin but nobody bothered to empty the bin.
I think this because:
I think that because the water sample smelled like rotten egg.
Results of my tests
Sea Water
Tap water
Omaru Creek water by culvert
rotten egg
Omaru Creek water by bridge
My conclusion (what I found out):
The omaru creek water smells like rotten egg and a rubbish bin.
Why I think this is:
Because room 17’s Reading group did some samples.Thursday, 21 March 2013
Enyahlee Mangere Pools
Our trip to Mangere Pools was a great finish to camp, we were all excited to go. It was a great day for a swim and it was the best day to end it the year 5 and 6 camp. I think it was the best day.
It was time for the race’s to start the year 6 boys slipped the pool after they had their race it was time for the year 6 girls. After the yr6s had gone it was time for the year 5’s, everyone was cheering that it made some year 5s nervous and it made some of them not wont to do it.The pool that we went in was so cold.
Finally it was free time and that’s when we were allowed to go on the slides. When I was lining up I saw all these camp people going down the slide. It was finally my turn, my heart was pumping and it made me feel nervous racking,but when my friends that were lining up encouraged I felt so happy that I was'nt nervous any more. When I went on the slide it went slow then a little faster.
When I slipped into the shallow pool I noticed a spa pool that looked like a volcano it had all the detail that is on a volcano. I hopped in it and it made me feel relaxed because it was so hot and it was a good place to sit when someone gets hurt all your done playing with your friends and just want to rest or sit down.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Co-operators Concert Item
This is the Camp Concert and my group the Co-operators performed it for all the watchers. Please leave some feed back soon.
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Cooperators Blogging and Practice from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This is a movie that the the team co-operators did. Hope you enjoy this movie by.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Nga manawa
Here is a little presentation telling you about the mangroves. Hope you leave some feed back thanks !
Monday, 11 March 2013
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Writing test
On the day we did the Writing test I was nervous, I did not know what to do until my friends encouraged me. The story that Room 18,17 and 16 wrote was about Things starting to disappear. When I did my test I was feeling that I would not write the whole thing in time.
When the test started I was shaking I did not know what to write so I thought about what I was going to write, when I was down thinking I wrote it down. It was really hard to think about the story so I just carried on thinking and thinking till I found out what I was going to write.
Suddenly Miss Garden said “Everybody stop”. We had to clean up and turn of our netbooks so we can watch the news lucky I finished in time.
I felt really happy when it was the end of the day thanks to the kids that encouraged me. Next time when I do a writing test I will not let people help me.
When the test started I was shaking I did not know what to write so I thought about what I was going to write, when I was down thinking I wrote it down. It was really hard to think about the story so I just carried on thinking and thinking till I found out what I was going to write.
Suddenly Miss Garden said “Everybody stop”. We had to clean up and turn of our netbooks so we can watch the news lucky I finished in time.
I felt really happy when it was the end of the day thanks to the kids that encouraged me. Next time when I do a writing test I will not let people help me.
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