
Thursday, 28 March 2013

Testing Omaru creek for -turbidity

Testing Omaru Creek for -Turbidity

We are going to find out the turbidity of Omaru creek water.

We are  going to test this by getting 4 samples of water and we are going to see what font size it is.

Resources and equipment: 4 samples of water,string,bucket and 4 jars.

I predict that the culvert font size might be 14 and the font size for the tap might be 24 the sea might be 12 and the bridge might be 9.

I think this because the culvert looked murky  and the bridgewater looked greenish  and the tap looked seethru   and the sea water looked  salty .

Results of my tests

Sea Water
Tap water
Omaru Creek water by culvert
Omaru Creek water by bridge

My conclusion (what I found out): I found out that the seawater font size was 14,tap water 9,omaru creek culvert 14,omaru creek bridge 12. The  bridge was the dirtiest water sample because  the catfish might me digging up the mud under the water.

Why I think this  because when we test it I thought that.

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